getting back to me. with a little help from my friends.

[a blast from the past, 2011]

Late last summer I contracted a parasitic infection that I lived with undiagnosed for nearly two months. Once diagnosed the antibiotics prescribed made me feel worse the infection; I became sick, I had constant headaches, there was a metallic taste in my mouth for about three weeks, I became lethargic and more. Shortly after that, I was treated for an episodic ear infection with another round of antibiotics. By the time urgent medical care subsided, winter came. And anyone who knows me, knows I am a daughter of the sun. I don't do well with Winter, we are not friends. Seasonal Affective Disorder became a part of my vocabulary. Again. Needless to say, between the illnesses and the medications, my life felt a bit topsy-turvy.

None of my routines existed anymore - my waking and bed times were inconsistent, I ate whatever I wanted because I generally felt bad anyway, I wasn't exercising due to lack of energy, and my meditation practice became inconsistent. All the seemingly trivial rituals that ground me were gone. In the process, I gained about 10-12 pounds.

Once upon a time, I used to do a vegan cleanse three times a year. On the advice of my Ayurvedic doctor, Pratima, I would cleanse with the change of seasons. I fell out of this practice about two years ago and aware of my current state of health (mental and physical), I knew a change was needed and decided to resurrect the cleansing program.

In the Buddhist tradition I practice, one can take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. Sangha, for purposes of this blog, is loosely defined as community, a group of like-minded people who are on a path together. I've seen in my life how friends have created a protective circle around me and sheltered me when times get rough; and knowing all the sugar I had been eating, knew a cleanse meant rough times were ahead. So I emailed friends who at one time or another mentioned a spring cleanse and asked if anyone wanted to do this together. To my surprise, they all wanted to reign in their eating habits and start the season anew. I started a private Google Group for us to share our challenges, to vent, to share what's working for us and what's not....basically a support network of like-minded women who are on a path together.

While I started with the Alejandro Junger's Clean Program, some started with a juice and broth fast, others with kitchari, others with simply eliminating meat, dairy, and processed sugar. For me it has been three weeks since I've had a cookie and processed sugar in general which is no small feat for someone whose rommates once nicknamed "The Cookie Monster." I am taking probiotics to get my digestive system on track, I have listened to my body to provide the warm healthier foods it needs to get through these last days of cold weather, my two-hour waking up ritual is now non-existent, I have returned to moving my body again (read: exercise), I am drinking nettle tea for allergies and dandelion tea for liver support during the cleanse - and my body thanks me every day!

From our regular posts to the Google Group, I am made aware - again - that I am not alone on this path of self-acceptance, compassion and friendship and that "me too!" is still one of the greatest things to hear. My friends are truly helping me get back to me. And that's worth the price of an oatmeal cookie.